But don't think I'm down and out! I plan to be posting quite a bit (fingers crossed) once things have calmed to a more relaxed pace, and try to brush the dust off of my more intense trancing skills which should make for interest to post about--and just plain wicked fun for me. I haven't been totally inactive (don't care how busy things are...good luck trying to keep me totally inactive no matter how crazy my life gets--I refuse!) and there should be some back-posting examining the activities you can snatch in fifteen/thirty minute intervals between working.
And now just to be timely I'll leave you with a URL that was brought to my attention by a pet. I haven't had a chance to read it beyond a perusal but it purports to be an examination of hypnosis used by a certain Presidential hopeful.
Now, I won't be engaged or engaging in politics on this blog, nor is this any comment one way or the other on the candidate or the process. Honestly, if you believe that any politician for ages hasn't been engaging in hypnosis, NLP, and conscience mind sidestepping techniques (or just about any public/motivational speaker) then...well, they've done their job well and you're currently backing them with the blind love that should only be applied to single sided issues like sports teams. But for anyone who shares an interest in all things hypnosis, NLP, real life mind control-y, any examination of techniques will hold at least a cursory interest.
I have not worked my way through the document - but the concern of the author to preserve democracy on the bottom of every page is cute.
As I say...it's not meant as political commentary on my part. *smile* I just love detailed examinations of NLP, covert hypnosis, and MC in practical application. Fiction or non fiction.
Are you alright? There hasn't been any posts in years.
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